INFRATIK™ is here to get your brand and business to the next level. We provide top quality services for you for various business solutions and infrastructure services. We understand you may not be able to do everything yourself, so let us help you out.
Infratik was started in 2020 in vision to provide cost effective solution to our partners, to serve the Education, Logistics, Retail and Health Industries. Managed by a team of designers & business smart individuals from various other partner organization. Infratik is a full service cloud business solutions brand that provides services to start-ups, small and medium sized businesses or anyone needing a digitalize the business data and to automate their business processes.
While we are based out of India, our customers come from various countries including United States, United Kingdom, UAE, South Africa and Australia. Browse our portfolio and explorer the clients whom we enabled with our team capabilities.
If you have any questions or ready to get started, let us know. You can contact us anytime and we’ll get back to you with the right answers. Your success is our success.
From Traditional Information Management … To Modernized Cloud Transformation
Disorganization is costly. Even if you think your startup information has all its parts in order, take some time to consider what some added structure could do. Time not spent searching for information, troubleshooting problems, manual process and managing out dated information system
Infratik cloud information management system, bring value to the organization, and enable digital transformation process when required, to upgrade their old IT infrastructure into a new one. The modern computing systems integrate new forms of technologies that speed up, automate and improve business. Considering that these technologies require heavy computational power and storage space, Infratik Cloud Computing comes as a solution to integrate these technologies.